PlaceMaking Week in Nairobi Coming up (November 30th-December 4th)!

NPI is excited to announce Nairobi PlaceMaking Week which will be happening November 30th to December 4th. We encourage our readers in Nairobi to join the exciting events. Cities only improve when citizens advocate and support needed changes-get out there and make Nairobi a better place and have some fun while at it!


Wednesday (30 Nov), 9 am to 17 pm: Jevanjee Garden and surrounding streets.
Street painting, Pop Up Plazas, Bus Rapid Transit Exhibition
Join us in painting our roads while creating awareness of Non-Motorized Transport safety.

Friday (2 Dec), 6-8.30 pm: Urban Dialogue - Alchemist Bar
Inspiring talks by urban change makers from various backgrounds.

Sunday (4 Dec), 9am to 12 pm: Critical Mass Event around CBD
A whole loop in the CBD will be closed down - this will be a unique opportunity to illustrate that Nairobi has a critical mass that cycles.
Come with bikes and bring friends along.


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