This page will take a closer look at some of the largest projects and developments in the Nairobi Metropolitan Region. Since the advent of “Nairobi Metro 2030” and Kenya’s “Vision 2030”, development in Nairobi is meant to follow the guidelines outlined in these growth strategies. We would like to spark a discussion about how these projects build the type of future that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.
Nairobi City County-JICA Integrated Urban Development Master Plan
The 1973 master plan for Nairobi expired some time back and the city of Nairobi had not, until recently, replaced it. With help from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the city county of Nairobi recently completed a new master plan which also fulfills the need for a integrated development plan as stipulated by the new devolution legislation. This plan involved many public consultations and is now undergoing review by NEMA. If adopted, it will be used to guide development in Nairobi for the near future.
Nairobi Transport and Urban Decongestion Committee
In light of the pressing traffic and transportation problems in the city of Nairobi, governor Evans Kidero appointed a 10 member committee of local experts and stakeholders to explore the situation, develop a local transport policy and create collaborations between the city and civil society to take thoughtful actions to solve some of the pressing problems. Read the interim report here.
Thika Highway Upgrade
The Nairobi-Thika Corridor (also called the Thika Road) is in the northeast of the NMR and extends from Nairobi City Center to Thika District. The trunk road currently serves as a main cargo route and an important metropolitan, regional and international transit link and is part of the classified international trunk road A2, which originates in Nairobi City Center and extends to Moyale, Ethiopia. The road has been completed for some time now.
Sustran Bus Rapid Transit Corridor
Sustainable Transportation Solutions for East African Cities, or Sustran East Africa, is a three year project that aims to build a sustainable transport network and establish sustainable transportation demonstration corridors in the municipal areas of Nairobi, Kenya, Kampala, Uganda and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In Nairobi, the project will establish a Bus Rapid Transit demonstration corridor.
Kenya Railroad Expansion
The aim of the Kenya Railway Expansion is to construct a high capacity Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) network in Kenya with connections to the East Africa region. The initially proposed project was to be financed through a public-private partnership and implemented under the Kenya Railway Corporation and Rift Valley Railways over a period of five years. With expected completion in 2017, work on the Mombasa-Nairobi-Malaba Corridor and the Nairobi Commuter Rail Network has already commenced.
TATU City is located within Greater Nairobi off of the Thika Highway. The city is modeled to be a dynamic mixed-use environment that will be home to an estimated 62,000 residents. Situated only 25 minutes from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on the new Eastern Bypass, TATU City will attract discerning residents, companies and retailers who wish to live, work and play in a modern, urban development in East Africa.
Konza City Technology Park
Konza Technology City, or “Konza City”, is planned to be a world class technology hub located in Machakos County, 60km from Nairobi. Nicknamed “the Silicon Savannah”, Konza City is an ambitious 20 year, 2,000 hectare, 14.5 billion USD new town project. The city will feature a technology park, science park, university campus, international business district as well as space for other commercial and residential properties.
Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project (NaMSIP)
The Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project is a World Bank funded project that aims to strengthen urban services and infrastructure in the Nairobi Metropolitan Region for 1.5 million urban residents. Approved in 2012, this project will supplement the work of other World Bank urban improvement projects including the Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project.
Kenya Slum Upgrading Programme (KENSUP)
KENSUP is a programme of the Government of Kenya, implemented by the Ministry of Housing. The programme is supported by UN-HABITAT and has the goal of improving the livelihood of 5.3 million slum dwellers in Kenya by 2020. KENSUP was initiated in 2001 and initially, will address slums in the municipal administrative boundaries of Nairobi, Mavoko, Mombasa and Kisumu.
Nairobi Metropolitan Region (NMR) Traffic Decongestion Program
The aim of the Traffic Decongestion Program is to relieve the persistent traffic congestion in Nairobi’s central business district.The program comprises of long and short terms goals including increasing the number of one-way streets; creating dedicated bus lanes; removing on-street parking; increasing the number of multistory car parks; creating Park and Ride stations; reinforcing all road reserves; restricting traffic; and expanding the Central Business District.